Custom Meta-Data
Need a DublinCore compliant DMS? Or maybe XMP? Not a problem! In addition to our built-in meta-data, our custom meta-data editor allows you to create any meta-data fields you need very quickly. The custom fields are also 100% searchable.

Custom Meta-Data – Radio Buttons
Add a "select one" meta-data field to your documents using our Custom Meta-Data: Radio Buttons feature. This type of field is useful to add when you want your users to choose one item from a list of radio button options.

Custom Meta-Data – Checkboxes
Our Checkboxes meta-data field allows you to add a multiple-choice field to your documents that displays checkboxes that the user may select.

Custom Meta-Data – Select-List
With the Select-List meta-data field you can add a dropdown box that allows your users to choose a single item from a list of multiple options.

Custom Meta-Data – Multi-Select List
If you need your users to be presented with a field containing options presented vertically, with the ability to ctrl-click or shift-click multiple items, then Multi-Select List is the custom meta-data field for you.

Custom Meta-Data – Text
This is the typical text box you see everywhere. Add one of these if you would like to allow the users to enter free-form text.